Anatta, or non-self, is the jewel at the heart of the Buddha’s teachings. It is not a cold and nihilistic teaching as some imagine; rather it points to the heart-mind that is boundless, compassionate and intimately connected with life. The Buddha began his lifetime of teaching by giving attention to the reality of human suffering and the potential for liberation. The elaborate self-identities we construct are in actuality the root of suffering. Within the support of the retreat framework, we will move into more ease and presence within body, heart and mind, and will meditatively inquire into the ways we define ourselves and our experience, in order to see through and live beyond these ego identities. The way of liberation pointed out by the Buddha is open and available to us.
For retreatants with at least one prior vipassana retreat.
There will be an optional Feldenkrais movement session (Awareness Through Movement) taught by Janet Maxwell.