Introduction to Insight Meditation: A Welcome to Beginners and Returners

Galilee Centre 398 John Street North, Arnprior, Ontario, Canada

This silent retreat will offer an introduction to basic Buddhist teachings, to insight meditation and to practice in a retreat context. Guided meditations, pointers on sitting posture and opportunities to ask questions will make this an accessible retreat for meditators in beginning stages of practice. Participants will be offered guidance to bring the practice into daily life to meet our relationships, work and responsibilities with mindfulness and an open heart.

Toronto Teen Retreat | Ages 15–19

Mindfulness is paying attention to what’s happening in the present moment with kindness and curiosity. Come join us this summer for an iBme retreat in Mono, Ontario, and learn mindfulness through guided meditation, mindful movement, small group discussions and fun group activities. Practice valuable skills like self-awareness, mindful communication, staying focused, and being calm. Scientifically proven to build emotional resilience, inner strength and well-being, mindfulness practices support our capacity to connect authentically with ourselves and others. Each day will include sitting and walking meditation, periods of silence, yoga, creative workshops, and free time. Please come prepared to participate in all aspects of the retreat with curiosity and a willingness to engage with challenge.

*DAYLONG RETREAT* At Peace with Change

12:30 to 5:30 (registration 12:15 if not pre-registered) Cost: $25 (students and unemployed) /$35 /$50 - sliding scale, plus donation to teacher. The retreat includes meditation instruction, sitting and moving meditation, silence, Buddhist Teachings, Q&A. Beginners and experienced welcome! At Yoga on the Park, 5582 Sherbrooke St., W., Montreal For more information and to register click on link below: Attend Event

$25 – $50

Mindfulness Ottawa Non-Residential Retreat

The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre 1145 Carling Ave, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Friday, Sept. 30th to Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 at The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, 1145 Carling Ave. Ottawa rm.1420 Friday evening 7:00-8:30 pm. “Being at Peace with Change: Inner Balance through Mindfulness Practice” $25.00 at the door or buy as part of weekend retreat Saturday and Sunday (pre-registration required) “Meditation: From our Seat into our Lives-with all the Joys, Sorrows and Stresses” Saturday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (bring a lunch); Sunday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm $90 for entire retreat including Friday evening, $75 weekend only register on the web site: Or mail in registration fees to: Zsofia Grandpierre-227 Claridge Dr., Ottawa, K2J5V8

Presence with Body: Discovering Stability, Ease and Freedom – Meditation and Yoga Retreat

Galilee Centre 398 John Street North, Arnprior, Ontario, Canada

The first mindfulness practices that the Buddha taught were being attentive to our experience in the body—coming to our senses. In this meditation retreat, yoga practice (guided by David Schouela) will be an integral part of the retreat, and will be a form of meditation in motion. There will be two or three sessions of yoga each day.

$370 – $470